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Objectives of the PCCET

Global Objective

The PCCET Development Objective (ODP) aims to improve the competitiveness of the value chains supported, to increase access to finance for farmers and businesses in need, and in the event of a crisis or eligible emergency, to provide a rapid and effective response.


Specific objectives

The following indicators are proposed to monitor progress towards the Project's development objectives :


  •  Increase in the average value of exports carried out by Project beneficiaries (farmers and companies) in the value chains supported by the Project (in percentage)
  •   Increase in the average value of gross sales (domestic and foreign) made by farmers and businesses in the value chains supported by the Project (in percentage)

Access to finance

  •   Increase in the average value of private financing mobilised for loans to SMEs (start-ups and young SMEs) and large companies involved in green investments (catalytic effects); (as a percentage)
  •   Increase in the number of new active accounts opened (physical and digital) in MFIs supported by the Project, particularly farmers and businesses supported by the Project (Number)


In addition, the Project will measure the quality of jobs by the increase in the value of gross income earned by beneficiaries (farmers, SMEs, start-ups and large companies) in the value chains supported.