Components of the PCCET
Improving the competitiveness of supported value chains
Through this component, the CCTEP plans to finance the implementation of competitiveness enhancement initiatives (joint public-private sector analytical processes) aimed at identifying market failures and developing action plans for each value chain supported. This component will also support women in value chains through (a) childcare services; and (b) women's self-help training.
Improving access to finance in value chains
This component will support a) the microfinance sector as a key provider of financial services in rural and remote areas, notably through the financing of a Management Information System (MIS) with a digital module for microfinance institutions (as part of their digital transformation); and b) the setting up of a Long-Term Investment Facility (LTIF) called CDC-CI Capital.
Institutional reform and strengthening
The PCCET plans to encourage reforms aimed at improving the business environment, facilitating trade and access to industrial land, as well as addressing specific issues identified in the value chains supported.
Project coordination and management
This component finances the costs of coordinating and implementing the project.
Conditional Emergency Response component
This component is designed to provide the flexibility needed to refocus the scope of activities in the event of natural disasters, security, emergencies and/or catastrophic events triggered by the proclamation of a state of emergency or the declaration of a disaster.