Coordinator's welcome message
Dear visitors, partners and friends,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the website of the Competitive Value Chains for Employment and Economic Transformation Project (PCCET). The PCCET is part of the Côte d'Ivoire 2030 Strategic Plan, which is the vision of the President of the Republic, SEM. Alassane OUATTARA.
The project is being implemented by a Coordination Unit under the authority of the Prime Minister, Head of Government. The PCCET is financed by the World Bank to the tune of 200 million dollars and will be implemented from 12 October 2021 to 30 April 2027.
PCCET's objectives include improving the competitiveness of agricultural value chains (notably mango, pineapple, shea, textiles & clothing, oil palm and rubber) and facilitating their access to sustainable financing through microfinance institutions and the creation of CDC-CI Capital. The PCCET supports women in agricultural value chains by setting up childcare services and entrepreneurship training.
The PCCET is also carrying out reforms aimed at improving the business environment, facilitating trade and facilitating access to industrial land. The PCCET is designed to meet our key challenges, including :
- pursuing the structural transformation of our economy, with a view in particular to industrialisation and the emergence of national champions;
- employment and employability of our young people and women, because we are benefiting from a magnificent demographic dividend;
- responsible and sustainable development, to take account of accelerated climate change and its negative externalities.
With this in mind, on 19 June 2023 PCCET launched the Long-Term Investment Facility (FILT), known as CDC-CI Capital. FILT is a public investment fund with private management and governance to support the development of Ivorian businesses.
With an initial capital of FCFA 38 billion, FILT is dedicated to the sustainable financing of SMEs and innovative start-ups, particularly those run by women and young people, as well as to the financing of large companies involved in green investments. Through FILT, PCCET is making its contribution to achieving the President's 2030 vision of a stronger, more conquering, richer and more united Côte d'Ivoire.