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The long-term investment facility (FILT) known as CDC-CI Capital was launched on Monday 19 February 2023. This initiative, which is part of component 2.2 of the PCCETCI, aims to invest in innovative, high-growth start-ups, young SMEs...
Workshop to frame and launch the technical and economic studies for an interchange and its accesses, with a view to connecting the Akoupé-Zeudji-PK24 industrial zone to the Y4 ring road
Effective and efficient access to the Akoupé-Zeudji PK24 industrial zone, the avoidance of traffic jams on the section and the improvement of urban mobility are the objectives of the support provided by the Competitive Value Chains for Employment and Economic Transformation Project (PCCET) ...
Launch of a project to establish an economic and financial model for the management of industrial infrastructures
A mission to contribute to the development of industrial zones has been launched by the Competitive Value Chains for Employment and Economic Transformation Project (PCCET).
Feedback workshop on the mission to meet and exchange views with stakeholders in the oil palm value chain
Stakeholders in Côte d'Ivoire's oil palm value chain, meeting at a feedback workshop in Divo, have identified the following challenges
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